First, click the link above to hear the tail of the now infamous HRMHS (Horse-raddish mustard hot sauce) bostom creme donut. Its the first half of the post. Then, come back and see the pictures here.
Here is the donut being moddeled by the ever photgenic JackLu. Nice smile, Jack.
Now we have the intial reactions. I will confess that I am severely dissapointed with the control that my victim was able to demonstrate under such sensatorial assault- it was good form for her, but bad luck for me:
She saw it coming to many seconds in advance. It allowed her to give me a poker face before washing down the OJ to clear her sinuses, and thus, this picture is lackluster. Way to be K, way to be. You've ruined my blog. Just kidding.
Here is a picture of her moddeling the donut later. I think her face with in this picture actually depicts the sensation of HRMHS donut more accuratly then the first:
Next well- next was actually JackLu. He was even less fun then K- he just kept eating it and asked me in an incredulous tone "What? Like you don't put mustard in all your donuts?".
But probably the best reaction that I was able to catch on camera was my friend, damarque. Basically, I verbally bullied him into it, saying if he could take Basic Training he should be able to take a Horse-raddish Hot Sauce Donut. He complied.
Damarque never actually swallowed it. He took a big bite, then sort of worked his way to the nearest trash recepticle and discarded the offending pastry from his mouth. Someone mentioned to me that this was a huge accomplishment. "You actually found something he won't eat. Dude," the source said on Tuesday, "this kid will eat chalk." This made me feel proud, in a strange nonsensical sort of way.
The last was B. She told us we woulnd't get a reaction out of her. You be the judge:
The prank... overall, it was good- but I am humbly realizing that I need more experience on the delivery. Perhaps staying up till 4 does something to ones reasoning or acting ability though...
You see, the night previous I stayed up till 4 in the morning working on an economics report (which is the pWnZ!!!11!! by the way). I was dead tired, but I was giddy enough not to let it stop me from what I was about to do: a sweet comeback was in the air and I could taste it. It was hot and tangy and kind of stung my eyes.
I retrieved the practice donut my picked up for me from its clever hiding place in the downstairs fridge and ran up to the kitchen with it. I whipped out a plate, some "Chilly Today, Hot Tamali" sauce and some bratworst horsraddish beer mustard. I gleefully found and prepped my tools and began pioneering the extraction methods. When I decided I had finally got enough of the goop out, I started filling the donut in with the speacial sauce. I then pasted the side with some of the extracted creme so that no casual observer would be any the wiser.
Now for the hard part: I had to taste it to make sure the boston creme that was still in the donut didn't neutralize the new sauce. I sort of hesitated for awhile. Then I took a bite out of the side that hadn't been to much affected. Finally, I took a bite from the damage zone. My mouth started screaming at me- I think it was swearing and saying something to the effect of "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?". I ran over to the sink and spit it out. I had milk on hand to wash out my mouth- I used it. After about three rinse cycles, I looked down on the half bitten bite and started laughing. I looked down on what I made, and behold, it was very bad. And on the 5th hour, I rested.
Yes, I know... promotion night is not mentioned up there. I think this post is long enough, and I am tired. To everyone, just in case I don't get around to making a farewell-everyone post: Dude, your all stinking awesome. I got mad love for all of you- Agape has made my year. I totally wish I met you all earlier, even though now with most of you it seems we've been friends our whole life. Remember when