First, lets deal with things close to home. I am disappointed, not only with myself but in all of you for not realizing for over a stinking YEAR that I spelled "Reepicheep" incorrectly with as "Repicheep".
A) To say I am a Narnia fan is an understatement close in kin to saying that "the Beatles were stars" or "Being dipped in hot oil stings a little". So I should know these things. Furthermore, Reepicheep is one of my favorite characters in all the series if not THE favorite character. How could I do this to such an honerable beast?
B) I am literate for crying out loud!
In my defense (for what its worth) my first instinct was to go for "Reepicheep". But something gave me pause, and I SWEAR I rememer looking it up somewhere online and thought that I was wrong, and therefore thought I was correct in spelling it "Repicheep".
And now I have had this name for about a year or more on blogger. Flash forward to about a week ago- I went to a surprise party for Jim (which, I must say , pWnd! Props to you, Steph. and fam for pulling it off). The person's house who hosted the party also had FIOS (which is an amazing high speed internet running on fiber all the way to the house, but thats a topic too happy for this post). So to try it out, and for a little shameless self-promotion, I go to this very website. Right away Steph says "Thats great, but you've spelled Reepicheep wrong". To which I get all defensive and say "no no no, I thought so too but look it up" and I triumphantly bring up wikipedia....and fall flat on my proverbial face.
So that was rant number 1. Its fixed now, but I can't believe I went so long with out knowing my error and I am saddened at heart to know that no one else corrected me.
While I am still complaining about this community, it also saddens me that no one got the obvious coded message in the previous post. What do you all have, lives or something?
Thats actually about all I can manage to be dismal about. I'll tell you one thing I am NOT dismal about right now: GreenDragonRider's upcoming story about What happened to Susan. I am so excited about this project you have no idea. Everyone go over there and show her love in the comments so she gets encouragement and all that stuff.
Oh, and here are the only two photo's from the computer smashing party that wasn't:

Well now. I have a couple things to say. I'm sorry I never told you you spelt your name wrong. There was some dilemma over whether or not to tell you, but as I wasn't sure, as I was too lazy to look it up, as I was still kinda being silly that when I first noticed it you always spelt my own name wrong *which you have not done for ages, thank you. :) * as it didn't seem important, I let it be.
BTW, my very first IM name, which I still use, was after a Pokemon. I was 9. I spelt it wrong. Yeah. eevee. I spelt it evee. How dumb is THAT?
I'm sorry that that is a disappointment. :(
Congrats on the computer party. I kinda wish I had known, maybe you guys coulda taught me something.
And about the coded message. I kinda took you seriously and there was no bell ringing, so I want a hint, you big coding person!
AH MY GOSH!! You talked about my Susan story?? I'm flattered! Thank you so much! But it's not going anywhere yet. But I'll be a good girl and I'll have notes for you soon. I can't write a story referencing Narnia without consulting the masters. (referring to you and Abi)
Well, disappointments happen. Cheer up, please. :) Come on... smile... you know how silly it is not to. :)
You have too much time on your hands, too!
I just needed (for ego's sake)to point out that I did notice the extra/wrong letters the first time 'round, BUT attributed them to poor spelling (note: Reepicheep vs. Repicheep).
I'm impressed.
Like I said, it was the computer smashing party that wasn't. My mom teased me about it- "So honey, I heard you had a party and forgot to invite anyone?" which was partially true. I figured those who were interested would be my computer geek friends, and I invited a few of them (but forgot a few as well). And considering I gave them about 2 days notice, only Anders could make it. And then Noah L. Which was still fun, but not really the thing I was going for.
I want to have another, but I will admit that I am a bit nervous. I will have to drill saftey into everyone for my parent's insurance sake- I didn't really go over stuff with the guys while they were here cause it was just two of us, but when you get to a large group we are talking serious dangers. I'm a bit intimidated with the balance of having fun/responsibility. With sledgehammers and thick, lead glass vaccume tubes, there is quite alot of room for bad things to happen. Plus my mom mentioned that I haven't had a party yet for my birthday, which might usurp my next smashing fest. I guess it depends on alot of factors- If I get 10 monitors, expect an event soon. Otherwise, it might be in a while.
Oh, and a hint... hmm... Lets just say- despite my record with the name "Reepicheep" spelling is something I usually check on my own blog, isn't it?
To booker T: Way to go, Idaho.
you want correction? i'll give you the paragraph directly below B), it should read "(for what it's worth)" it's, w/ an apostrophe. meaning, "it is", as opposed to "belonging to it".
and...if that's all you've got to complain isn't so bad, is it? because, to be honest, overlooking a mispelled reepicheep for however long doesn't pop my cheerful outlook balloon.
lol. I take quizzes that tell me I'm observant. My parents tell me I'm observant. Other people have told me I'm observant.
so naturally, you'd think I would consider myself an observant person right?
And I NEVER noticed that Reepicheep was spelled wrong. O_O How embarassing for us all.
So, you had a computer smashing party? Huh. I'm having a party too. A very...exciting one. muwahahahahahaha. Abi probably told you about it already. xD Maybe not, though. >_> If you wish to know, you can read my AWESOMELY NEW COOLEST LOOKING BLOG ever.
U R kewl.
i didn't notice the spelling errors in the last post the first time, but now that you mention it, there are quite a few things where you doubled letters.. i'm assuming they all mean something that i have yet to understand... possibly a reference to a series of unfortunate events?
that first anonymous comment was me. what the heck? i'm using not-bad about pluggin' in my personal details. sorry.
anyway, i wanted to say, re: your latest comment on my post, oh yes, driving in always leave the best comments! i see "eewah" and i'm like, YESSSS!
i should be working.
Dude, you only got pwnd by her once that evening? Wow, you're good :-) If I had a dollar every time she's done that to me...
Small disappointment of my own:
Very disappointed by Blogsmiths who refuse to update. (Uh-hmm.) Not naming names, pointing fingers, laying blame...just sharing.
(By the way, your counter adds when the page is refreshed, so your count isn't accurate.)
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