She's a 1990 Honda CRX and is 137,000 miles young. For Hondas and this year, that really isn't much. Previous owner put a nice cd player in it, so when I'm tired of just listening to the engine noise, I can crank up the tunes as well. I'm just now getting used to the transmission, which is a bit more touchy then the Camry I learned how to drive a stick with. But enough of my blabbering- this is a picture post after all!!

...and an semi cloesup:

So there it is guys. I hope you like it.
But what of my Big Yellow? What of the mustardmobile you ask? Well, I know I have some fans of this great truck here, and don't worry- he won't be going to the crusher soon. In fact, he was recently spotted frolicking in an undocumented location (though he did sprain his four wheel drive):

That last one was his playmate for a little while. As you can see, Big Yellow is getting along just swimmingly...

But its not all play for him... after this it was back to his Kennel:

Yes, he shall live out the remainder of his years under my care. I shall try to be good with his upkeep that doesn't cost a fortune, but it is nice to not be dependent on it. If it breaks, I don't HAVE to go fix it that week or I'm out of a commuter car. This is a nice freedom to have.
So why did I get the car? Is it totally an irrational 20-something's speed-and-pick-up-chicks type of car?
Probably. But thats not how I rationalized it.
A) Now I have a car thats cheap to drive all around the state. High MPG, good honda reliability.
B) It didn't cost me a fortune.
C) I can now use the truck only when I have to, theoretically, stretching its life
So thats what I rationalized. Yeah, it doesn't have more then two seats right now. But I got around that too- seat kit. I'll get around to getting one in a bit and put it in. Now its practical, see?
All this being said- yes it is a LOT of fun to drive. And no, I'm probably not getting the best gas milage out of it the way I drive it right now. But hey- cheap fun- didn't have to pull out a loan or any nonsense- straight cash. Its a sneaky mix of fun and practicality.
Least thats what I keep telling myself....
I'll see you all later... going to a midnight showing of Pirates 3 in a few hours. And yes, I'm going in my CRX.
-- -_--_-_-
Okay, one more random truck shot:

Dude, some of those CRX photos are in my driveway!
"Is it totally an irrational 20-something's speed-and-pick-up-chicks type of car?"
That's how the rest of the world rationalizes it. lol.
She's a beaut to be sure. I won't make any girlfriend cracks on here.
Oh wait, there was one.
*fangirly scream*
It's so cool!
Yep yep yep.
Okay, I'll stop now.
Haha wow you really ARE in love with the CRX! Oh no I'm are in love with YOUR CRX. ;p
Thanks so much for the ticket! :)
God Bless and much love,
Tis a lovely car zeke... and whatever happened to naming cars after people? we have three cars... Eleanor, Sam, and Bernard. See, we always buy cars around holidays, so we name them after the appropriate holiday. Except for my dad's volvo... he was silly and bought it on a normal day, so we gave him a poopy name. But my volvo is Sam, because we bought her on (something patriotic, i can't remember.. how sad), my mom's CRV (another honda, but not as cool as the CRX) is Eleanor because we got her on Presidents day, our old van was Eve, because we got her between New Years and Christmas eve, and our old Camry was Erin, because we got her on St. Patricks day.
Ok, so now you know the history of my cars...
I approve. Thank you for the post. I'm sure you'll have a long and happy life with her. She's definitely a good "pick-up chicks" kind of car...
Zeke, how about a blog that isn't about anything material, no buying or selling? Something where the tag "capitalist" just wouldn't work? How about something abstract, thoughtful, thought-provoking, political, random, artisitic, sad, happy, tragic, your opinion of today's headline, how you imagine America with HC as Prez, your honest opinion of global warming / feminism / illegal immigaration / the Iraq War---stop me when you get inspired!
You gotta keep the balance, dude. It's good for you. And, don't think so hard. Just type! Do it. Make it happen!
OK. My exhortation is over.
um. is this honda crx of yours manual or automatic. no pressure, but know that our friendship rides on your answer.
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