Thursday, March 30, 2006

I love music as if it were indeed my job

Seriously guys- I love music so much, I should just up and marry it.

I don't mean just the light and fluffy listen-to-the-radio love for music.
Not the top-40 love for music. The hold-an-obscure-album-in-your-hands-as-if-it-were-a-lost-treasure sort of love for music.
My siblings have seemed to also developed this trait- all of us like to sit down with a new CD and just read the lyrics and listen to it with our undivided attention.... well, thats the plan anyway. Usually thats impossible in our house, but we try, and thats what counts. Little man just rocks out to it, which is cool- though I can't tell if he has a finer appreciation for it's nuanices. But it sure is cute.

I have listened to the new P.O.D. album several times- each time paying attention to the vocals or the drums or the guitar specifically. With really good bands, you pick up all these little flavorings they throw in that could easily be missed if you were just savoring the whole pie of musical goodness.

And to brag on my family a little bit, everyone pretty much has a nice diverse taste in music. Yes, I tease my mum about her honky tonky artificial twange country, and some of my more abstract electronica gets on my parents nerves, but other then that everyone basically enjoys all good music over here. Here are some things I've been listening too recently:

P.O.D. - Kind of hard, hybrid of several influences including rude-boy-rock, rastafarian, metal, and rap. But it actually sounds good.
Joy Electric- Pure retro electronic goodness. This guy prides himself in being a purists- building all his sounds from scratch on a moog synth. Also sings crazy lyrics- his latest full length album was about a family of asassin archers in the 17th century or some such craziness.
Nickel Creek- Awesome blue grass rooted band. Amazing music- lots of energy and very well crafted songs. Plus you have to check out their site cause right now they have a hillarious version of toxic they played live. Great band.)
KJ-52- White rapper. Wait, come back! He's good. Funny sometimes and rocking when not. I didn't always like him but after after seeing him at inside out soul fest and listening to his newest album (thanks Becca!), I officially like him. He's officially cool in my book. Not that that matters, but I bet he sleeps better at night.
RelientK- Borrowed their second to lastest Album from Becca (again, thanks!) and I like it. What I've heard of their newest one (titled "mmhmm") I like even better. I dunno exactly what to call them... mellow rock? Emo/pop punk? Good stuff, whatever it is.
Eisley- CRAZY CRAZY GOOD BAND! Melodic harmonic awesomeonic sibling rock. Holy cow they are so good. They are so good they homeschool. I'm just to tired to try and describe this band to you, so I wont. But seriously, check out the site I've linked but also Wow why do they rock so hard? Can you tell me- can anyone tell me?

1 comment:

Bander said...

Kutless has some amazing stuff too