I was about one or two sentences away from finnishing a HUGE post. It was all about poetry, and I had it formatted beautifully, with exerts I had gathered from everywhere. It was LONG. It was probably coming up on three pages, at least. Then firefox crashed. BLOODY BROKEN BROWSER!!
I'll see if I can recreate it tomarrow. I can rebuild it. Better, badder, stronger. More better. Betterist. Dang, its late. Dang, I just lost a big post.
I will close this post with a type of poem called a 'fib'. I am not going to tell you what it is tonight (cause I just did, and then lost it), but here is a little 'teaser' if you will (and I hope you do):
so late
All work lost
My sanity gone
Where, blogger, did it all go wrong?
The big bit bucket in the sky has ate my data
so late
All work lost
My sanity gone
Where, blogger, did it all go wrong?
The big bit bucket in the sky has ate my data
Strange Verse-
A poem.
Spot the pattern, try!
Perhaps soon now you will get it.
Strange Verse-
A poem.
Spot the pattern, try!
Perhaps soon now you will get it.
Aw, man... that's happened to me before also... :-( I await your next insanely long post with great interest!
Nice fibs! :) UHHH...I still don't get it. Oh, wait. Maybe I'm actually supposed to think about it! ;) Lol
Dude. I'm so jealous of your poetry. It's really good. And I too, have lost incredible blogs due to crashing browsers, which the world has been at a loss for. Oh well.
Save your work next time. :P
Sucks dude about your post. Next time get opera - I heard its free now!
And poetry *can* be sweet ;)
dude, is your hair bleached in that pic? O_o
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