I don't like this post so far. It doesn't taste good. It tastes sort of off-the-cuff and un thought out. This has a lot to to with the above statement's striking resemblance to reality.
I suppose I should dedicate this post, in all its horrendous..ness? To those of you who asked me to update. And actually, jibbing aside, alot of you did. Thanks, your cool.
Okay- so the main reason (read:excuse) for me not updating is all Gwyns fault. Yah, that's right. Basically, Gwyn, my sister and I all went to have a swell old time at the mouth of Port. Since Gwyn and Abi are the artsy type and are into photography, they took nice pictures on nice cameras. Since I'm "funny-pathetic" (as opposed to "funny-haha") I brought my camera.
This is Gwyn literally laughing out loud at my shabby excuse for a camera:

(Note my finger partially in shot, wrong date stamped on the picture, and the world being unusually distorted... like I said, "funny-pathetic")
But I'm okay with it now. I just try and think of it more as a prop for humorous scenarios then a real camera, and suddenly my qualms subside.
All in all, it was a fun trip. It was a very very wet trip though. So how does this relate to my diliqent posting? Patience, Iago. I am getting there. You see, Gwyn sort of off handedly said something about all of us blogging this together. We sort of all off-handedly agreed. So there- I couldn't blog until I could blog about this....though Gwyn seems to have no moral attachement to her own word, but thats another story. Here is a cool shot that possibly you will see from two additional angles if the other parties get there act together:

As you can see here, I'm taking a picture as my sis is professionally snapping a shot of Gwyn and Gwyn herself is cleverly shooting at me from the hip.
Heres another shot- one of the few that are not distorted from my weird camera:

The day eventually got so wet we decided to go watch POTC 2- but not before we saw a small water fall forming underneath a gutter and decided unanimously to all rush it and take a split second bath. The water was a lot of fun, but it led me to have to iron my shorts, underwear and socks before we could go see the movie...and reports indicate that Gwyn's car finally dried out last week.
Good times! But is that all that happend since I last posted? Goodness no! I also went to Soulfest 06...yes yes, quite the time there. However, I have opted to go ahead and post this to get it off of my metaphorical chest, which, by the way, really sounds weird to me.
Catch you all later,
Good times! But is that all that happend since I last posted? Goodness no! I also went to Soulfest 06...yes yes, quite the time there. However, I have opted to go ahead and post this to get it off of my metaphorical chest, which, by the way, really sounds weird to me.
Catch you all later,
I'm with ya in the camera realm. My camera isn't the best either...need a new one. Well, it's good to see that you're not dead, or in a ditch somewhere. Ummm...see ya later.
YAY! YOU UPDATED! I mean, I live with you, but still. I've been checking back here. And now actually, I wasn't checking to see if you had posted cause I just figured you didn't. I was going to re-read your end-of-the-world post again-cause for the Middle East Conflict class, I'm supposed to stay on top of the current conflict(s). So...I thought this might be a good place to get some info (even if its not THE most updated) that I could UNDERSTAND. Other than LONG, BORING articles by people no one knows...haha like this. ;P Okay so I love you and hey I love your funny camera. I mean your cool camera. AT LEAST IT HAS SOUND. ;P And THANK YOU for updating! ;P
Love you,
~yo sis
chees. i thought you like, died or something.
i love portsmouth, btw.
So. You're not dead.
And I'm not dead.
Is anybody dead?
Well, obviously, SOMEONE'S dead. We'll just have to find out who. And like, who's spreading these terrible rumors about us not being alive.
BTW, I too, would love a better camera. I might be able to take pretty pictures if I had a half way decent camera.
Over and Out for now.
The Undead Kiaya
ok, 1...the first picture of me is HIDeous.
2...i laughed aloud. and now, i will feel sufficiently guilted into posting about our portsmouth day...mkay? i wrote it out like, 2 days later, and lo, it is very long, but i am waaay behind on photos.
and i love that you admitted to the world that you had to iron your clothing to dry it.
people, he was locked in the bathroom all by himself. it was totally kosher.
YEEESSSSSSSSSS! link link link on the xanxanxanga! Word to mothers and fathers the world 'round! Yippee. So you should post soon.
By order of the Abs, I command you to take that picture of the frizzy haired girl looking the other way OFF of this here site.
If you do not do so, there will be somewhat serious consequences.
OH. No way, zeke-o. I'm so gonna finish before you.
haha. thanks for the motiovation! Now I'll be determined to finish quickly, so I'm done before you.
Zeke this is jen your sister. We are moving this saturday to 11th and Jefferson-- you know, the crack neighborhood? Just kidding. It's actually a lovely house we found on Craig's List with an incredibly concientious landlord, 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, (sort of), and three levels (sort of-- a cellar, a ground floor, and a top floor). It is convieniently located near the bus station, the library, and... a health food store that sells my favorite coconut ice cream at the best price in town (25 cents off retail!!). Yeah. SO we move on saturday. We are getting a fourth housemate, too, and etc.
I loved your post. It was so you and so fun. Oh. By the way, I am sick with the fluish cold thing. I hope it's not communicable through the keyboard.
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