Tuesday, March 27, 2007

LIVE from the NH house of representitives building

The NH house of representatives

EDIT: Uploaded pictures taken from phone and added captions.
This isn't quite live since I had to "claim" the post on my PC. Small spelling mistakes and other minor changes have been made as well. But still, almost the entire post was typed up live as it was happening from my mobile- how cool is that, eh?

This post brought to you live from the floor of the NH legislation offices via
my new kick butt phone...

We packed the public balcony almost completely. Sorry to the man who's picking his nose here. I really didn't mean to capture that.

We arived and the session of the day was already in progress- we've
been here about an hour and the main issuse we came out to watch
aren't up yet. So far they have discussed insurance reform and a
committee to study the effects of fiat currency on the state (an
interesting idea; it was ruled down because it couldnt really lead to

12:12ish-Now they are discussing a review of the death penalty- its interesting
to hear them debate commonly know arguments. The form is almost
identical to the form used in debate class, and I find myself mentally
preparing rebuttals to each side. Most of them are pretty common.
Someone did try to use Officer Briggs as a sort of rallying cry. Genuine, but certainly an "Appeal to emotions" I thinks. The other side brought up the cost to the state, but used numbers from New York- "non topical".

Closing arguments are made in the death penalty repeal (HB607-FN) case. Man with agenda looks on- these were available for free and had a summary of the bills and amendments to be reviewed, as well as a short synopsis of both side's arguments.

12:30ish- They have called roll call (where they literally go out to
the halls and yell "roll call!"). Kind of funny. I wonder what would happen if I just started shouting that randomly some time in the hallways...

They just voted. It was close- 185 to NOT review it, 173 to review it

Someone got up and said she voted wrong, and asked for a vote to allow a re-vote.

The notion was rejected.

We're leaving now because they have ajorned for lunch and won't be back in session until after I should have left. Some members of AGAPE are still there rep'n it out.


Super Kiaya said...


Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures; very succint commentary. Beautiful space. I just love government buildings.