Sunday, April 01, 2007

One liners of wit or wisdom, but probably neither

This is a jumbled up, to-much-weirdness-swirling-around-after-to-many-days-of-running-ragged sort of post.

Maybe you've heard the song "Everyone's Beautiful." Well, I get what he's driving at, but I think I have to make qualifications on this.
A) MOST people are beautiful. I truly believe this as basically everyone I know is beautiful, to some degree if not an extreme one. I don't care what you look like, you have to be pretty messed up to not have at least a trace of beauty in you. It probably comes from the Divine family resemblance.
B) That being said, even to such undiscerning tastes, some people I think can truly be evil at their core, whether it be reflected in their facial features or not.

So, to restate it I suppose it would go "Most people are beautiful. And some are quite pretty, too." Hmm... I see why the great band water deep didn't go this route though... not nearly as good a line to build a song around.
^-*Frustrated exhaling of wind from the esophagus* I don't think I conveyed quite what I was trying to say here.


I want to be near a hail storm once, if not just so I could go out, pick a hail stone up and announce to everyone that this is a piece of war. "War?" they ask, "Why yes," I'd reply, "Haven't you heard? War is hail."

Actually I bet their are alot of jokes just waiting to happen after a hail storm. It would seem to me that frozen water is a comic gold mine.

Google is sometimes just as geographically challenged as me. We make a horrible team.


I'm a bit concered for Brad when I heard he was going to Norwhich univerity. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the name an abrieviation for "Nordic Witch Univeristy"? Brad, what are you doing getting mixed up with those Viking wiccans?!


Me, upon trying the new Cheesy Angus Bacon Burger: "My name is Zeke Gable, and I approve this burger."

Its Palm Sunday- *high five*

(...get it?)


I feel my fortune is double edged. On the one hand I am surrounded by beauty. But on the other, I feel I am forced to only look at it from a far. I am so afraid of spoiling it, or perhaps of what others think of me if I tread upon it, that I dare not enjoy but a fleeting shallow interaction.

I suppose it doesn't help that I've once carelessly destroyed a prized garden. And I had been so careful up until then. But one destruction as such, one defeat via the enemy through me, and I'm out. I find it safer. I find it more prudent. I find it unbearably difficult as well.

Is it possible to call in well? Like, my sister has to work all day Saturday. Thats a drag, but you see she's not sick. Can't she just call in and say "Hey sorry I have to call in well. Saturday is a going to be really nice and I'm going to be too well to come in. "

^This one was alot funnier before I wrote it down.


If you have elder-berry echinacia tea, I think its Biblical to respect it. I don't really know how far the whole "elder" thing goes, but I figure I'll be on the safe side.

Okay, so that was a meaningless just sort of ramble on the keyboard post. Don't mind the overdue teenage angst, I'll be better after some sleep. I just wanted an outlet.


Anonymous said...

um, that was NOT angsty. i think you need to look up the definition of "angst".

also, there were several funny bits in there...kind of jack handey-esque.

also, i'm glad you guys are finally listening to waterdeep. they are FABULOUS. i need to own more of their cds.

Jim said...

Teenage angst = RL IMHO

Interesting post...funny, but some of it struck a chord with me...particularly the part about ruining beauty and treading lightly...oddly..the closer you come to it, the worse the fear gets. Perhaps I'm not one to comment, or perhaps I am..but sometimes I envy the man who seems able to enjoy man's primary command to reign over creation and subdue it before his secondary one, to be fruitful and multiply. It seems backwards in most of us.. Some may call it heretical or shocking, but its honesty..

Super Kiaya said...

(Kiaya is shocked that out of all the blog sites, THIS one is the only one the library computer in Winder GA doesn't pick up. She treads fast and carefully to type this comment.)

This was another one of Zeke's half-serious, half... Zeke posts, in which there's probably some deep message (probably in those sentances about beauty and double edged fortune.)
Of course, these are the posts that I most like to read.
(even if they make me worry.)

Poor Zeke, having to view some beauty from afar. Is it worse or better to let it be seen from afar, or to have not seen at all?
(Not that I have any idea what you're talking about. I'm just being vague, like you.)

Everyone's beautiful. Was there any doubt in your mind? It's kinda hard sometimes to see it maybe...
Okay. Lost my train of thought there.

I'm kinda glad you updated. Even if it's when I'm a thousand miles away and can't read it until I'm on a dinky library computer.

The Core needs to get together SOON. If only to welcom me home *smug happy little smile.* :]

You'll have to be more specific Zekiel. This whole 'mysterious vague thing' doesn't do you justice.

TallThumbelina said...

Ach, but you cant let that keep you from viewing beautiful things....carefully, but not at a distance...I'm not neccasarily one to talk though.

Haha, I love your jokes! :P

I love you Zeke! :)
God Bless,