We got up today at Mr. and Mrs. C's home welcomed by the smell of blueberry pancakses, ham and coffee. Thanks again, Mrs. C!
I read more of "Out of the silent Planet" and ended up calling the bike shop in Derry to make sure they would be there- a good thing, as "the number you have dialed is not in service at this time". We talked it over very briefly, and Mrs. C gave us the number to a place she recomended on Kelly st- Jakes Bike shop, 25 miles away. We took off at about 9 o'clock.
It was tough going with the wheel- even though I had unlatched the rear brakes, it was still lightly touching the side once every revolution. We were on our way to route 28, but we only got about 4 miles out:

I was riding down a slight hill when suddenly there was a loud bang- for a split second I wondered what it was, then for a split second I thought I blew out the tire and should try to slowdown, and the last few second I felt myself riding increasingly on the rim. But suprisingly, I didn't loose control. I yelled up ahead at dX "BLOWOUT, MAN BLOOWOUT!!!" It took him a little while to get the idea and slow down, but in the end I pulled over and we took a look. On the plus side, I didn't have to use my bike kit to to take the tire off or the innertube out- I don't know how it stayed on the wheel at all. When I pulled over, they were off.

We ponder our prediciment. The verdict is unanamouse: cRaZy!
We discussed shortly putting on my spare and inflating it, but we decided rather quickly that it was crazy-talk. The wheel was in BAD shape- I knew that, and putting another one would be tirecide (you know like homocide...). So we went up to a nearby house and bummed a phone to call Mrs. C with. Thankfully, she had offered to pick us up in the case of an emergency. We sat around and wait for a while. I read more of my book.

It was in bad shape- spokes that were stripped, spokes that were broken- it was a bloody mess. In the end I had to replace the wheel, the innertube AND the tire- for the tire had a gash in it from the blow out as well. All in all I dropped $75 on it- alot of money, yes- but actually a VERY good deal.
From there, we biked to our first real destination of the day: Barns and nobooks.
I would tell you how many miles it was, but I sort of broke my bike computer- I sent it back into configure mode and I don't have the instructions that tell the computer what wheel size I have. Anyway, we got to the store early so I read the rest (more or less) and met up with my group. It was great to see the people again, though of course Brad and Kiaya were missing, which was too bad. :(
After the book meeting was over, me and dX were pretty much playing it by ear. We had the vauge notion of entering Merrimack because we knew several people there- we just couldn't get ahold of any of them. But we headed out anyway, having to back track a couple miles to hit the right rode, and the storm started coming up. We put on our ponchos this time, but the wind was much worse then the rain- and pedalling against it wasn't as bad, probably, as the stupid flapping sound it made right in your ear. Also, dX almost got ran over by an absent minded moterist. But at least we were mostly dry.
Eventually we got on route 3. dX wanted to pull over at a dunkin d. You see, he's been away so long in Kansas (Where allegedly there is only 1 dunkin donuts and its an 1 hr 45 minutes away at that) that whenever he sees a Dunkin Donuts, he gets impullsive. We pulled in, I situated my backpack differently (the straps are killing me) and we went inside for a second. dX goes up to the counter and comes back a minute later. Dramatically, he throws a box of a dozen donuts down upon the table with a loud thud. I look up at him-
"I hope you don't have anything against maple or choclate."
With this he flips open the lid- the box is split evenlyh between the two flavours, six each.
All I can think is that there is no way we can eat this many donuts quickly and not get cramps while riding. I had maybe 3, I think he had 5. We gave one to a person I knew from co-op that happend to walk in and we squished the rest into my backpack while dX made some calls on a payphone. When I had got my backpack back on (a difficult and painful ordeal) I went out to meet him again. He was smiling "Dude, I talked to Jake and Renee- they can meet us at the library in about half an hour. Lets get going!"
We started back up. It was tiring work- the weight of the packpack was heavy and it seemed to bounce up and down more then usual, which really irritated me because it made the pain in my arms more noticable. We climbed two large hills- they were murder. Finally we came upon the library, and for some reasons we had beat our companions there, which gave me a chance to get online and work on the blog a bit. It was really open there and nice- just give the receptionist your first name and BAM!! full xp box with adminstrative rights- even a USB port! Very nice indeed.
Jake and Renee made it but we we were talking too loud for the library, so they took us down to this place called King Cone. We each got a small, which was huge- more then I could eat before it melted and made a mess of me.

Renee and Jake in waiting in line at the King Cone
After hanging out there for a good 45 minutes, they drove us back to our bikes and took our packs with them to their house. With all that weight off of us, we flew down to their home in double time- it felt really really great. And thats where we are now.
Tim and I are having a blast over here- and to pay to pay for it we've been trying to work on their PCs and cook them Ramen. I got one of there boxes in substantially better shape then when I found it, and I unloaded 4 packs of the ramen here for part of our meal. I'm excited because that means my backpack will be that much less bulky. Rock rock on!!
Tomarrow, we don't have totally planned out. We are basically a day or two ahead of schedule and a little bit off of the planned route. We will probably bum around Milford for tomarrow, visiting a bunch of dX's old friends and hang outs. Should be a nice easy going day I think maybe. Then perhaps tomarrow we can find a place to actually "camp out" at and use some of this ramen and alcholioc fire starter!
Thanks to everyone for your prayers and comments they really are apprecited.
Mrs. C: Thank you so much for the emergency services and hospitality. dX was really blown away by the pampering we got there; it made his day.
Lyndsi: Oi, it is looking like possibly saturday for your place. Hopefully I can call you tomarrow to let you know for sure- it might change. Don't know how much time we will take with Milford, and Hudson is a large journey and we have two days left.
Mum: Thanks for the ponchos, they work pretty good when applied to the body. Who would have thunk it?
To ladyofnarnia: Thanks so much for letting me take the book so I could read it. You rock.
Jake and Rennee- dude you people are awesome. Thanks for everything! And Renee, sorry about not getting all of your face in that picture.
Bander: Dude, sorry I didn't come over today. It just didn't work out- our plans were shifting all over the place and it would have meant backtracking and loosing preacious time. Sorry though!
Kiaya: Thank you for trying to solve our weather problem. Actually, it might be working. Today didn't rain much at all, and when it did, it only rained breifly. Whatever you did over there seemed to mess with the forcast, so keep it up next time you see rain in our future.
More tomarrow, guys! Thanks for reading.

Update: dX flipped/flew/jumped off of his bike last night (end of day 2), and hurt his ankle. Apparently worse then I thought- he sort of limps with it now and its in to much pain to walk on much. We've got ice on it but dX's backpack is in a car that got taken to work unexpectedly since another vehicle died.... so the bandages aren't here. I'll be biking down to shaws for some emergency supplies. We'll try to fix him up here and see what he can do. Okay, that will be all- as you were.
hahaha wow sounds like quite the adventure. have funn!
hmmm, amazing that rain ponchos may actually help repell the rain thus keeping one dryer with than without.
sorry to hear of your injuries, to body and bke. Give my regards/love to mr.jake.
love to you and mr.dx
Zeke, it was an honor to be able to have you guys at the house. It was nice to see that Tim was comfortable here even though he didn't really know us (though he's pretty sure that he met us in the past somewhere.) As for the "emergency services," I would have been upset with you if you HADN'T called me for help. Thanks for the opportunity.
Sorry to hear about Tim's ankle. You are both in my prayers. Mr. C asked me this morning if I'd heard from you, so I figured I'd check the blog. Safe travels to you both!
God bless your journey and you,
Mrs. C
P.S. Kailyn is safely home....and still in bed--it's afternoon! ...wait I hear stirring
Tim, Let me know if you need anything I can proabbly get hold of friends your ankle de-grades!
Hey! I'm so sorry about your ankle, dx! :( And man...sad tire...but I'm really glad you got it fixed! :) Man...sounds adventerous! I hope you can find a place to camp sometime soon! :) And glad everyone is so nice to you! :P Oh...Josh's testing is tonight...8 or 9 pm...umm...I THINK it goes: this test, another test, THEN the one we can't see-so don't worry. :) I love you and have a great time! God Bless and may He heal dx's ankle SUPER FAST and cause NO more injuries to anything or anyone! Love you much! :)
*walks away rubbing stomach..."chocolate and maple, eh? ....man..I'm hungry..." backtracks*
Hey, can I have a pop-tart-MAYBE? pretty please? :P I love you!! :)
Hey Guys! Just found out this is here. Great form of communication! Tim, if you need us - call. We're not far away. I hear from Sandy that your ankle is better after going to the hospital? What is your final destination? Sounds like you are having the adventure you were hoping for after all. I am really happy for you both. Awesome - AWESOME!! Love ya -- Aunt Ann
Hey, looks like you guys are doing good. I was actually close to going to king cone tonight. Seventy-five bucks seems like a lot of money, but you do what you gotta do. Hope Tim's ankle gets better.
God Bless!
Hey Tim,
Glad things are going well-it would be a good idea to drop us a line every so often to let us know you are Okay-Okay?
Uncle Bruce
Did you get my other comments? Hope you guys have settled in and are ok. Please please call when you get to Zeke's house. The blog is a great idea... How is the ankle doing DX. and bike Zeke...
from mom in kansas
Oh. Wow. That's, like, a lot of excitement.
And, yeah, if I coulda been there, I woulda been there. I don't know what Brad's excuse is. I'm like, thousands of miles away though.
Okay, I gotta go read the rest of your blog now.
ok, i find it hilarious that you have INTERNET access and not so much phone access...hi-larious indeed.
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