We woke up today around 9:00. When I got out of the couch I was sleeping on I went over to the room dX had crashed at.
"Dude-" he said, "we have a problem."
The problem was his ankle. He had hurt it last night while flipping off of his bike, but it didn't look like it was going to be that big of a deal. When he woke up on it though, he could barely limp with it.
This, to say the least, complicated our plans- eventually we decided to get some ice on it, and he wanted to rap it in a bandage- but oh wait! The bandages we bought were in his backpack. Where was his backpack? In Jakes car. Well thats fine, but- wheres Jakes car? Not at his home. You see, dX had left his pack in the trunk of the car, which should have been fine- but as it turned out, the van one of the family members was using broke down, so they had to use his car. And that put us with out bandages.
So, after a little bit of griping and a lot of good strong coffee (they make the best coffee over there, seriously) I biked off to shaws, which was really just a stones throw away from the house I was at. I got an Ace bandage there for a ridiculous 5 dollars and 59 cents. Talk about a rip off...
Anyway, we got back and he applied it to his poor aching foot. By this time it was probably 11 or so. He could barely walk on it still, but I was trying to convice him that biking would be different. Renee said that she thought it wouldn't be good to work much on it. There was a slight back and forth, but we did in the end relent to chilling out there for a bit. dX could still work on computers, and thats what he did:

About 3ish or so, dX was walking around on his foot LIGHTLY. I had convinced him to try riding his bike earlier to see what it was like, and he concluded that it was possible and as I suspected, it was actually better then walking. So at 3 or so in the afternoon, we decide to try and visit some of his friends in the area. We found out Renee had a bike, so she got to come too since it was so close. We headed up the road about a mile or 2 really fast since dX and I were not wearing those huge backpacks we were used to. Renee was actually keeping up pretty well. We got to the place where we suprised a few of dX's old friends and then we decided to move on for a good trip down memory lane. After catching her breath and downing some water, Renee went all hardcore and said she was down with it too. We biked over to dX's old house, all the way to amherst where we stopped at a cafe for food. It was really nice, and I played a pretty evenly matched game of checkers with Renee (but I won in the end). Then we biked back- About 20 miles in all.
When we got back, it was allready 5ish. We were trying to figure out what our next move was... we wanted to camp, but we didn't know what place we could camp at that was near enough. In the end, we decided to stay over at our lovely stop at Hudson- as it turned out, we were just 10 miles out anyway. We biked down through Nashua, only stopping once- there was a concert going on in some park for free. The musicans playing were all in their middle to late ages, but they were playing some funky music and they were good. dX and I stayed there for just as much as we could afford, then we got back riding. We arrived at our new destination at about 7.
This host home is awesome- They gave us cold cuts to go along with our ramen, they gave us icecream, and we've got to just talk with them and have a ball. They are into everything cool here... I don't know how specific I can get with names and things since it is 1:26 and they are all in bed. I got to watch The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe with two people who haven't seen it yet. It was an interesting experience- they watched movies with captions on, and I actually got little bits of dialouge and background chatter that I never quite got before.
Well, thats about it for me- I am devilish sleepy and I must be off to bed. Today was pretty much just a chill, relaxing day. We, once again, don't really have tomarrow very much planned out but I'm sure it will be great.
Till next post- farewell.
So.... ready for the Kangamangus loop up in the Notch country? Your family is pretty serious about paddlin the Pemi right after Thursday this coming week....
I figgure by now y'all have pretty much done a "shake-down" cruise, know what works, what does'nt, what is too heavy to deal with, what is absolutely must have, and what in the world causes your back wheel to go "untrue" (do you realize you have a baaad history with rear wheels? Maaan, I'd start looking for something without spokes!).
What really gives me a kick is you are both doing this without Spandex! Breaking the typecast. If you could now just type (or dictate...[read this Dragon Naturally Speaking..] and post realtime via 802.whatever wirelessly in "auto-rove" and "auto war-drive [war-ride?...or for dx, war-flip?]-that would be really, realllly cool, AND distracting..
Thanks to all who put up with these two adventurer / vagabonds! May God Bless you!. Reminds me of the time I wanted to do this with an old Biplane when I was....younger...
I'm fascinated by your ability to keep it together.
Cool, I finally figured how to do this. I keep commenting to comments at the bottom of the page, thanks to DX. So this is your eartly mom, give me a call, and hope you can find my posts burrowed deep within all these messages.... Love to you both, keep the ankle iced, and elevated, and let us hear from you. Remember I am going away this Monday, so call dad at work. Love MOM
OY!...and Salutations...sounds like you've been busy ;-)I did something similar to biking a nice long route...except it wasn't biking...it was backpacking, and was that FUN! I went from Mt. Sunapee to Mt. Monadnock. Fun stuff that...Well, enjoy and I hope you have favorable weather and a continued safe ride home...Arrivederci.
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