Saturday, June 03, 2006

My summer so far acording to me.

So... I don't really think I am going to do a proper farewell post to the school year. Mostly because my sentiments have been echoed allready by all my friends- basically, go here or anywhere else in my blogosphere where people mention the end of Agape and my sentiments are very much the same.

I suppose I must elaborate a bit though... So, this was my first year at the co-op. I didn't really know exactly what to expect. Beleive it or not, when I'm in a totally new surrounding with all new people I can be intimdated. I don't like to show it and I suppose I'm not technically shy, but its just as awkard for me to try and strike up a conversation cold-turkey as for anyone else. But given enough time, I can make aquantinces anywhere. For some reason I thought there would be alot of HS steryotypes- very steady people; well educated, formal and intelligent but eccentric in nothing. I think my first guess was that 40 to 60 perecent of the people in the co-op would fit this mold, with a strong representation of these characteristics in the leadership.

Boy was I wrong. This group has blown me away with how awesome they are. They are my type of people; I don't know how to describe it. I '"clicked" with so many of them instantly. Knowledge is there, as is to be expected, but so is that weird sence of humor that draws on knowledge, and eccentric interestes abounding. I am frustrated because words are failing me(or perhaps at this hour, I am failing them...) But the point is, I didn't just make aquantinces- I made REALLY GOOD friends. These people felt like just that- a people, if that makes any sence. I relate to them on so many more levels then I do with any other group. They felt like old friends instantly. How else could I have relationships that are intergal to who I am with people I have met only two semesters ago?

I shall miss everyone, yes- but I am always on the AIM network or Gmail and with technology it never seems that there is such a gap between people as once there was. And of course, I'm not making a plan of avoiding my homeschool brothren all summer either- I shall be meeting up with you all as often as I can.

Which is not for the next 2 weeks or so, with limited exceptions. We have a sort of soft stop-order on extranious activites since we want to get our house in working order for the summer. (We still have some flood stuff to work out, though nothing major.)

I have much planned for this summer- I am going to World View Academy once again (and now some new friends Agape are coming too!) as well as going to Inside out Soul festival. In about three weeks I am going on a bike trip with my friend for 5 days. I'm really stoked about it but nervous all the same as I have to make sure both me and the bike are in working order. My friend is coming up all the way from Kansas for this afterall. Between all this I will also be stuffing my summer with as much Math as I can stomach. I need to catch up on that badly, and the classes I have picked out for next school year will fall through if I don't.

Of course, all that anticipation, but nothing exciting has really happened yet. So far the biggest event was my computer crapping out. Yeah, my main operating system hard drive had served me faithfully for over 5 years, and it began going into its death throws two days ago. Alas, we morn for the drive but move on with our lives. Knowing myself, I have stopped storing anything of value on my main disk along time ago. All my personal docs, movies, pictures, music, etc. are on other drives. This is good.

I'll probably be posting back from Frankenstien (the name of my main computer) soon. I just grabbed a drive we had laying around from a scrapped project and slapped it into my box. Things are looking good. Next post should be from the other side.

Oh, and don't mind the spelling errors please. Its 12:31 and I have no spell checker on this box. Yes I know there are online options but I'm TIRED. Goodnight.


Anonymous said...

you write muchly and wellly and enjoyabilitatiously. I laughed greatly at the mightily flavored donut of disguistingly atrocious, uh, atrocity. Well, not out loud. It was a metaphor. haha, I will end the weird talk now. So ya, that was not Missy Higgins, but a one Jacob Swanner, who, it turns out, has a distant relation to a one Mr. Higgins of languatory fame (like language, not laguidness), whom I saw not long ago. And we hear there is no common ancestor! bphaugh! K, guess I never really did stop the weirdspeak. Hope you are well and summer treats you like a treat. It is a shame that goodbyes are hard, but I suppose it is mathematically impossible, given the hours in a solar day (??) to keep in good contact with everyone you wish you could or did. It's a bummer to me that I can't have more regular contact with a few more though. My own company is only barely tolerable. Anyways, I don't know if any of this made sense. If not, it's because I forgot to enclose the other letter which is in normal written English along with this one, written in the famed H.U.A., if you will. Talk to ya, man

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out wheather I'm disappointed in your post, or just that I can relate to it on such an obvious level I'm not as blown away as I usually am.
This was my third year at AGAPE. First year, I basically only new two people, who introduced me. Everyone had been nice to me as the new girl, but further from that-? Nothing. Second Year: I had watched basically everyone enough to THINK I knew a lot of people. I made some basic, 'Oh, yeah. Hey. How ya doing.' boring kinda friends, because still, no one really talked to me.

So, to come to this year? Man. What a change. I went all out. With so many new kids, I made friends finally. I knew the kids from before enough that I knew who'd be nice to me depending on where I sat, etc. etc.

So, Man, you basically blew me out of the water, because, in your first year, you've basically met everybody. Or everybody knows who YOU are. :)
You did it FAST. I envy you and your kind outgoing cool nature.

Biking is fun. I wuv it, but am no way in shape to do anything like you're doing. I actually need to bike more, because if I don't, Mum's threatening to put me onto a sport team. Which I don't want to do for reasons I don't want to enclose.

Summer... is a time where we think anything can and MIGHT happen. I don't really know WHY we think this, but it is true.

Anonymous said...

"HA" A ...

cough, ahem. uhm, so... ha! Finally, a place from which i can perch my sniper-esque spying-on my little brother skills and-- spy in a very sniperesque sort of way! except this comment box is really uncomfortable and small. Oh well. Maybe it is so small he will be non the wiser to me. Argh.
Hiya my favorite big little middle brother. :-) Cheesy grin. I miss you. I am so glad your site is filled with your prolific urges... Yay. I am studying well kinda, right now. I just wanted to say hi. ..We should be friends! Let's talk on the phone this summer, okay? love from jeng

Anderz said...

Wow... I'm not sure where to start. I'm glad that the HSG didn't fit your mold. Otherwise it would be boring. A lot of people think that all homeschoolers do is sit around like all the time and do school work and don't have friends, and don't know how to socialize correctly. It's too bad you didn't come to the HSG earlier in your home school carrer... oh well. Glad you like the way we are lolz, and to an awesome next year. It's FRANK OF STEIN! Ahhhh! I can't believe you forgot that! LOLZ Ok, ttul and BTW I have a paintball party coming up soon. You should come and like try to pwn me! ROFL.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, BTW
I remembered now. You couldn't give us all a fare-well school year post? I mean, you had to go to Brad's and everybody else's instead. THAT's why you waited it out! You just wanted to link to SOME of us who blog ON TIME.

Gee, What, did you think I was serious?
I figured because you seemed so happy about the comments you got, I ought to add another one. (Yes, I'm cheating. Deal with it.) This one was just to surprise you.
Did it work?

Anonymous said...

The Zeke.

It's 4th year at agape. Maybe 3rd. Don't think so though. I thought everyonewas jerkwhen I first came here. I wont say any names, but really. I hated everyone before I got there. I still don't like some people, but that's just because...I think they're stupid. >_>

But I also love a lot of people.

I'm glad you had a rockin' turn-out.

Anonymous said...

i don't do stuff ever, so...if you guys wanted some help w/ flood stuff, if it is possible to receive help (as sometimes these projects are not so easily delegated), gimme a call, hey.

Anonymous said...

From mom foreman
Thanks again for the update, for us parent people we feel like we are connected to you guys. Ramen is a funny way to keep alive, but Bless God for Ramen Noodles, the staple of the bike rider. Please don't let Tim loose anymore weight we want to be able to find him when he gets off the plane... Who is picking you up Tim? And when?Please keep icing the ankle when you stop, I really don't want it to be in a permanent large position. PS The new Harbor Lights won't and the new gym probably won't open til the middle of August not JUly they suffered some set backs. GoD Bless, prayers go with you Hon. And Zeke miester