I should know, I've been checking it out since 12:20Am and I can say with total confidence that it is legit. So, act accordingly. Eat turkey and stuffing, eat cranberries and pumpkin pie (or Blueberry, if you so please). Spend hours in conversation with your friends and relatives around a common feast. Hang decorations if you want. But most importantly, reflect to yourself and others what you are thankful for. If you live in this country, you shouldn't have to look to far.
Inspired by my friends around the homeschool blogosphere, I present to you a list- inferior, but similar, to theirs. In no particular order of, I am thankful for
1. My family, whom I will expound upon later
2. My wonderful job that has been given to me as a gift in spite of myself
3. Agape and all the lessons learned, both in and out of the classroom
4. Hannah, who evangelized Tim Burton to Abs and I, and for always having a new post, layout and music video on her blog. :D
5. Kiaya, who writes like other people breath and is never short of good conversation
6. Mr. and Mrs. G, who feel like family after one short year, make excellent Mexican food, coffee and forgive me cookies (even if there was nothing to actually forgive), and do amazing big bird impressions and play some mean jazz (but not all at the same time).
7. Brad for being the coolest, most stoic friend yet still being crazy, and for realizing how awesome musicals are and for inviting us to stuff.
8. Leah for being cool, being fun to work with at church and for having a dad who has an amazing truck I want to buy
9. Living in a country with freedom of religion
10. Living in a country with a free market
11. Living in a state with such low taxes and such good people
12. Being able to do conduct whatever buisness I want to (within, sadly, certain legal bounds)
13. Craigslist
14. Aluminum cans
16. Large transformers and their copper, but not their bloody thick iron
17. Turkey
18. Stuffing (the mix of cornbread crumbs and other ingredients put into fowl on special days)
19. Stuffing (The action, done to ones face, often with the above noun, also on special days)
20. Poetry
21. Cranberry sauce
22. Cliches, Making fun of
23. Cliches (that are actually true)
24. Online comics
25. Eisley- the band, the family (seen here with the producer in his backyard), the blog
26. Google (Whom I love irrationally)
27. My office computer, with its freshly christened dual LCD screen glory
28. Blogging
29. The funny pirate ducky on my desk (Its a ducky with an eye patch- its funny!)
30. Lists
31. The postal service (The band- I could do with out the actual system)
32. Pandora (the site, not the notorious box of ill-repute)
33. Optimism
34. Optimists
35. Being able to see all the sides of an issue
36. 88.9, WERS radio
37. Hours spent waiting for a manager to call work so you can populate thanksgiving lists
38. Abe, for being a genius and for his current obsession with satellites and the International Space Station
39. Joy for her never ending enthusiasm and never ending theatricality
40. Spelling theatricality right on the first try
41. Moriah for her quiet charm and wit, and for being deep
42. Abi, for being so mature and still crazy-random, and for getting along with me despite our attempts to kill each other a few years back
43. Jennifer for being such a role model to me, for the conversations we had last time she was over, and for introducing me to Regina Spektor
44. Josh for being a solid good brother, for pushing himself so hard and becoming teh mast3r of kung fu and for being the baddest baldy ever
46. Mom for being such a staple of love and affection all my life, for bringing me up and keeping her humor despite us all, and for the little bit of Streeter she has imparted into me
47. Dad, for all the priceless experiences he has imparted to me- working, camping, sanding, doing business and talking politics together. I've learned more from him then probably either of us will ever know.
48. Coffee so strong it can retard your very tongue
49. Coffee brewed so fast it can retard your attention spa- Ooh! I love this song!
50. Puns (No matter how ostracized I become from society for them, I still think they are hilarious)
51. Bosses that actually call so you can stop populating thanksgiving lists
52. The diverse and hilarious cast of characters that make up my work, all of which you could easily incorporate into a comic strip
53. Readers of this blog that sprinkle the globe and span the country (who ARE you guys?)
54. 42, for confounding us and creating the second question- what is the ultimate question?
55. God, for never being fully understandable, but always there. Because his mercy his greater then his judgement. Because he loved a wretch like me- to the point of his death, even death on a cross.
A small list I know, but there is of course a never ending supply of entries and I had to stop somewhere.
On number 53- honestly, this is crazy. I've seen a viewer from Australia last month and I get regular hits from North Carolina. Thank you for reading! Please don't be shy in the comments; if you enjoy anything or disagree or are even alive, let me know. I'm curious who reads this.
Have a happy thanksgiving everyone!
I'll be the first to comment! I'm alive, I live right here in appletown, and you know who I am... and I really think you should blog about billy collins... he was poet laureate in 2002, so you'll have a pretty easy time finding his stuff online... Happy thanksgiving to you too!
I DO write like I breathe. Only not as fast. If I wrote as fast as I TALK, now THAT, my friend, THAT would be something.
I'm so glad you made a thankful list. Aren't they awesome?
And Optimists are the bomb. I should know, I am one. (An Optimist, not a bomb.) (If I was a bomb, I'd be TICKED.)
Ouch. Ooo. Pain. Yes, I see was you mean, but I'll try not to be so violent about stopping the puns.
And no list is inferior silly, because it's a just a window into what you are thankful for. Even if you'd only listed three things, it would still be awesome (but silly, because I KNOW you're thankful for more than three things.)
Happy Thanksgiving.
hello. thank you. and you list was quite long, sodo not be sad that this comment is not long.
the end.
Thanks for the kudos, Z. Considering we think your family is way cool, that's a grand compliment. :)
i am alive. usually, anyway.
hey. no worries, I just moved to Nashua, so I'm still relatively close. Maybe a bit closer in driving time. Eh, maybe not, but it'd be real close. I'll get back here and read about your thanksgiving as soon as I can. Gotta go!
i heard you missed something really awesome sunday evening. that's too bad.
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