I was seriously intending on posting a whole bunch of pictures- of my work, of my truck and of my hat- yesterday. I had taken them all. I was quite pleased with myself. I merely had to upload them to my computer, edit out any identifiable information from [AwesomeCo] and upload them. It was going to be wonderful. It was going to be marvelous. It was going to be simple, and yet it was going to be so satisfying.
Then... the camera cable or the connector in the cheap camera I use to upload the images from had... "issues". Issues that caused it to loose power while connected- several times. Connection issues that caused it to literally ERASE all pictures on that 512 MB card. And so... all of the pictures are gone. In case you were wondering, the above picture was an interpertation of what I felt like and probably what I looked like when I found out all the files were gone. If I was a girl.
But, since I told you all I would have pictures, here you go:

I am a man of my word.
Strictly hilarious. Thou art forgiven.
That's... terrible...
I'm very sad now.
But then
I realized.
You're my very first comment of the New Year.
Happy New Year. :)
dude...it's pretty much time for you to bite the bullet and, 1) buy a new SD card reader now that both you and abigail can use it, and 2) buy a new camera! it's not like you can't afford it now, richy-rich.
agreed with aur0r4. I canst not holdeth a grudge against thee when thou posteth in such a hilarious manner.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
i'm glad you believe in the power and wonder of parenthesis...(many (many) parenthesis.) ok, fine, yes...that was contrived.
The girl's face is funny.
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