Thursday, February 01, 2007

I broke the internet.

Hello everybody.

Heres a small update of whats gone down since the last post. Sorry its taken so long, things have been crazy busy and fun over here.

So, on the 31st I left on the plane (on time- early, even!) and successfully landed and was picked up by 10:22 local time. Much better.

Mrs. F narrated the drive through Kansas as we went. We ended up picking up Nate, which was a blast. He still was wearing one of his awesome hats.

We got to their house and I ate some monkey bread. I go ape over that stuff. *ducks*

I spent alot of time chilling out with Nate in his room. He decided he wanted to show me a game he got called Prey, because of some crazy multi-dimensional mind bending physics engine stuff. He had recently rebuilt his computer, so he had to reinstall it. At this point, he found out he had misplaced his key. And his manual. "I just cleaned up my room..." his voice trailed off for a second. "Oh man, I hope I didn't throw it away."

Long story short, since he couldn't find it I decided to see if I could find it first online, and when that didn't work, I decided to port scan to see if I could find any hidden FTP servers that might have a key.

That, put simply, was a horrible idea. You see, port scanning is basically where, instead of using a search engine or typing in a website URL, you simply start at one part of the internet and start looking door to door till you find something. Its fun. You can find websites at random, or other things like file sites that aren't availible normally. You can find all sorts of weird network devices. You can find print servers from Itally (my friend did once). A friend of mine got me hooked on it for awhile, and we would share our findings every now and then.

Well, we told Mr. F what we were doing thinking he'd get a kick out of it and he got really upset. "DON'T PORT SCAN ON MY NETWORK! I don't want the liability..." and about that time, the scanner stopped working. And so did all of our connections outside to the internet. The whole house had lost the network. And he used IP Telephony, so... the phone died too. Yeah, smooth move Zeke. Way to make an entrance. Either we had got ourselves shut down for port scanning, (I guess it was against their Terms of service?) or we triggered hit something that freaked out the cable modem. I felt so bad.

Eventually Mr. F had to go to the Road Runner (Their ISP's) office and have them reset it. Talk about a comedy of errors...

So that was a bad start, BUT! It honestly got better... That night Mr. F himself even bought me a "George's Carmel Blast" at the coffee house half his family works at, Harbor Lights. It was really really good. Legend has it, that a guy named George would always come asking for a Carmel Macchiato with extra extra carmel. The guy REALLY liked carmel. Finally Tim started experimenting with his drink, finally stumbling upon glazing the inside of the cop with carmel, then doing the rest and putting whipped-creme and carmel drizzle on top. Word got around, and when they redid the signs, they put it up as "George's Carmel blast". Man, I want a drink named after me! So cool...

I am a day or two behind at this point in posting, but instead of sit on this post for another day, I'm going to let it go. I'm off to the wedding rehearsal now...


Anonymous said...

Here I was, thinking "Zeke'll be stuck at that gate forEVER" and look, you get to KS and, of course, break things.

Okay, that was mean - but I've done similar sorts of things... though never to the extent of breaking the internet. I feel your pain.

Have fun down there!
*must... resist... Wizard of Oz quotes... GAH*

Anonymous said...

How can you break things in Kansas? It's like, all wheat fields and flying houses. There's nothing TO break.

It's pretty hard to resist the temptation of Oz teasing. -laughs-

Anonymous said...

You are IN the wedding?! Please, post photos.

PiP said...

Drink name: Zeke's sticky portscan mocha of shame? :-)

Anonymous said...

have fun in santa fe... that seems awfully far away to go for breakfast.. you must have connections in the plane industry... sounds devious =D

Unknown said...

so how was the wedding?

Anonymous said...

you'd think you'd have the decency to at least tell us about the wedding... come on =D

Anonymous said...

internet must still be broke...

Anonymous said...

I am throwing slippery banannas in the general direction of your feet. (You go APE? over it? ha! ahaha..) I hate the word bananna. I never know how many nannas to put after ba. (who said that)
Hey. You never said anything about killing the internet when you got there, jack! How terribly sad and embarassing for you! I just spelled embarassing wrong I think. ANYways that's sad. I had a real good time which you oveh der in NH, and I hope you are enjoying your well deserved blizzard right now. I, am enjoying having internet in my own room. That's right, Jess' uncle came and hooked me up. Literally. Hey. It's vday today you know. ("i love you you know") You know what that means. Absolutely nothing.
ANyway--- looks like I gotta job I just got to find the best VOIP deal to make it happen. Any suggestions? Love, -me

Phreakuency said...

haha, that print server is still tagged in my favs.