Because my boss is off to another country to see his brother get married, I have moved up to the 9 to 5 shift for today and Monday.
I really like my normal hours, but I am enjoying this change of pace. Leaving in the morning is somehow different. The day is young, everything is waking up at once... the drive there is bright. Even though I got a little less sleep last night as I had to adjust to this shift, the daylight seemed to help me feel awake. Everything felt awake... you could tell it was morning just by the smell of the air. It made me feel more alive; more motivated. I haven't smelled morning in a while.
So motivated was I that after arriving at work, I fixed some code I had written to assist me. It basically goes through the program I use for my work most and makes the selections I have to make everyday and clicks the buttons for me and such, all by itself. Since someone had changed something in the program a month or two ago, it stopped working (it would click and open the wrong stuff). I even optimized the way it was written so it works much better now. Good stuff. Haven't written code in awhile.
Then after that, I totally cleaned my desk. Hadn't done that in awhile, either. Or write an email to a department in another state with out worrying it will get there after they have already left for home. Did that today, too.
Come to think of it, its probably not the time of day (except for that last one). I bet its just the change.
You see, I have been building a theory about myself over the last several years. The theory states that I thrive in change and stagnate in sameness. I don't know if its bad or good- more likely then not it just "is". When something is new to me, when my surroundings change- even (especially!) when they change drastically, it excites me. Its fresh, its something new. Its a challenge and an adventure. Among the exhibits of evidence for this theory are my thriving at AGAPE, my love of traveling and the fact that to this day I almost always fall asleep quicker on a foreign surface then on my own bed.
Is that weird? Anyone else out there relate at all?
Change is change. Mmm... I'm not sure what to really think about it. But you're right - you adapt to change. I kinda wish there was a button to push - 'CHANGE?' and then some change would happen and you could adapt to it. Make things so much easier.
Man - I'm lazy. Heh.
Glad to hear about your burst of motivation.
I hear you on the morningness....one of the best things about working out in the field was the feeling of owning up the day as you broke the morning stillness with a generator or excavator or whatnot. Even the drive to the site was awesome.....open highway BEFORE rush hour...gong 85 to keep the people behind you from tailgating you cause they want to go 90....and driving past cops who are just happy to see traffic that moves since they won't in an hour... Of course, this is all after morning drowsiness wears off....
I'm half half on change....I need some kind of structure and order or I get out of sorts...but I hear you on the sameness...probably why I can be so excited about a new project but it will stagnate unless I keep up enough progress to keep it "new".
Yes, I am good at making up alternate names and words for things. BIL will be a great addition to your vernacular, I think. I will fax you a license to use this copyrighted material.
So what's going on, man? Alright here. Word
personally, i resist change with as much strength as I can muster at the moment... which is never enough to actually stop the change from happening, its just enough to make me miserable when the inevitable occurs (see my most recent blog post)
*sigh* change is good, but I hate it. I'm glad you like it, because it is inevitable...
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