Sunday, July 08, 2007


Smile that disarms
yet lights the fuse
with ruthless charms
Ignites maddening muse
and fans the flames
strong and strange

heart jumps twice
when it hears the name
and then skips thrice
in fear of same
runs away
in fear of shame

Stays that way,
For want of tame


Anonymous said...

Why do you write such incredible poetry?
Thank you for posting this. :)
You're right, your endings are a bit... hm. Not bad but... hesitant.

Anonymous said...

Love is grand...even when it is unrequited, undeclared, and unsure. Enjoy it.

Reepicheep said...

Yeah, this is true. I actually got a whole 'nother idea for a poem while finnishing this last night, so I spent alot more time on that one then realized it would be better by itself. Then I tried to abridge this one and hurry it up... I might amend it, I dunno. Some of it still bugs me.


Really? How is that? If love differed (I know I know, its hope but work with me here, lol) makes the heart sick, then pointless, unrequited, unactionable, and unwanted fancy can't be much better. But perhaps it does better then I imagine. What good would you say it does?

Anonymous said...

Love is never pointless. It grows us, changes us, teaches us, enriches us, inspires us, sends us to our knees, keeps our tear ducts clean, motivates us---Love is GOOD!

How we act on those feelings is between us and God, but to not allow yourself to have those feelings, to reject them, or to stunt them, just ain't healthy.

You can't control love, you can only control how you will act on that emotion.

Remember, some love, when it is full grown, turns out to be affection---not the stuff Forever is built on. Doesn't mean it's bad, just means actions matter.

It's tough. I know that it's not easy. I didn't mean to make light of the pain and confusion and challenge. I guess I just know that one day you'll be talking to Reepicheep, Jr. and you'll look back and say, "Yeah, it was good. And, you'll get through it, too."

Jobove - Reus said...

We have passed a good moment in your blog congratulations
Regards dede Catalonia - Spain

Anonymous said...

But love must be well timed...even true, genuine love must be given at the right time.

Is love that knows when to wait truer love?

Anonymous said...

In response to the above Anonymous #2:

Love must always be felt and expressed---not acted upon, but expressed somehow. Otherwise, a person would go insane. Why do we have endless sonnets and poems and songs? Love must be expressed. To suppress love is death.

However, acting upon love is another matter altogether.

I think it can be debated that to not declare one's love out of a fear of rejection is purely a selfish choice, threfore not love, because love is not selfish. The emotion in that case is likely affection, not true love. True love does not fear rejection, because true love does not attempt to protect itself at all.

However, there are often other reasons to not act on live that are truly selfless. Perhaps, the person has just lost their beloved mother and is in the midst of grieving her loss. To go to her at that time would be wrong. To not go, to not satisfy the desire to be united with the object of your love, is a selfless choice in that case.

Of course, when speaking of anyone declaring, acting on love, it's always beholden upon the gentleman to do the acting. He must be willing to take that risk of rejection without fear of the pain it might cause him. He must never leave that duty to the fairer sex.

Anonymous said...

What about love which has been declared but must still wait?

Anonymous said...

Well, isn't that just life? I mean, couples have to wait all the time before getting married---he has to come home from war, they want to finish college first, she's not old enough, etc. Is that what you mean? In which case, isn't that still good? Isn't it good to know you love each other? It sounds pretty good to me!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is still good...

Unknown said...

zeke the depth of your insight, and poetic talent never ceases to amaze me... sometimes i wish I could feed my feelings through your brain and see what amazing poem slips out... cuz I have all the inner turmoil to inspire volumes of poetry... just not the skill to express it.

Anonymous said...

Very true...hence the reason some people risk life and limb to encourage him to write thoughtful and creative posts. Look at how this one has inspired others to share their thoughts, feelings, etc. That's the true value of art. Ah, well.

Anonymous said...

hey man. It's Jake up. Are you guys still thinking about going to see Nickel Creek? The last chance is next Friday, and I'll probably get tickets tomorrow, but I think about you guys whenever I think about the show cause you'd talked a while ago about wanting to go. I didn't know if it was feasible to try to all go together (Renee and I are going) or if we could just see each other there or if you weren't planning on it at all. If possible, lemme know by tomorrow evening if you're interested in going as a group.

Digging the post, too. Cheers maine

Anonymous said...

yaya, we should definetly meet up before or after the show. I'll give you a call next week and we can figure it out.

Unknown said...



please could you post something new? please?

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I forgot to get in touch with you about tomorrow night. Do you still wanna meet up or whatever? Maybe we can follow you down or something? Only thing is I usually don't get home from work till 5:30ish, so hopefully it won't be so late, but maybe that will make it not feasible. What time are you guys leaving? I have your home number, so I'll call you there maybe tomorrow. If it doesn't work out, we'll definetly catch you there.