For a period of several days, he continually badgered me about putting up a full description of his craft and it's technological and scientific break throughs. Many an occasion he would come up to me, and with out context start telling me new features of his creation or of motifications to its principles of operation. He wanted for me to be sure to pass them on.
However, so fast is my brother's pace of innovation that I felt hard pressed to keep up. By the time he had atempted to retrofit an electric motor from a totally un-lego toyset onto the orginal body, and to make it spin the propeller by a series of ad-hoc gears, the new creation shared few simularities with the one I had photographed earlier. I checked just now and he has a winged lego creation on his mantle right now, but it is something totally other then what he had made before.
I do think though, that his creation and new discoveries were so amazing that I must put to record what they were, before it is too late. Humanity deserves it.
Let us start off with an illustration of this rocket-sled-plane juggernaut:

First of all, as you can see, this thing is more loaded the a B-52. There are your normal everyday type of guns- the ones for shooting frontways. He's got lots of those- but of course, he also has guns for shooting directly above you. You know the circles at the bottom of legos? Yeah- in his creation, those are guns, too- for shooting people below you.

Before I go on to the new laws of airflow, I have to emphasize how cool my brother's dual gun is- yeah, not only does it shoot bullets out the center, but lazers out the middle. Can your gun do that? I didn't think so.
Allright, now we get down to the real revolutionary bits of this thing. Noctice the two peices marked "Air Deflector" and "Air trap"? These work as such:
When in Normal flight, the air hits the flat up and down part of the air deflector. This causes it to go almost straight up till it hits a cloud- the air then bounces back down and flows over the wing, generating lift. This is the first aircraft to ever be flown based upon this priniple by the way- we are truly breaking new ground- err, air. Cloud deflection- who would of thunk it?!? Its genius!
The slanty part of the air deflector is for landing. Now this is clever- When you need to land, do you slow down? WRONG! You speed up! Why? Well, you see, as you speed up the air is forced over the slanted part of the air deflector, which pushes it up into the Air trap. The air trap is kind of like a parachute- if you enough air in it at the right speeds, POOF! You slow down extremely fast. And so, when making a landing, you full throttle this little baby until air starts flowing into the air trap and BAM! Your landing light as a feather, nice and easy like.
I thought all of this very clever, though when my brother disccused it with me, I asked him if the idea of a valve or flap in front of the air trap may make things easier. He said "Yeah, I was thinking of that." I think it was I who pointed out to him that if your taking off, you would get air in the air trap. He must have been thinking of this all day, for that night as I was trying to get sleep he suddenly shouted out an idea he had. It went something like this:
Little man:"Zeke! Zeke!!"
Me: "eurghhg, mubgph.
Little man: "Zeke!
Me: "Aughhdmgpph... what?"
Little man: "You know how yike (my brother's way of saying like) if you were trying to take off-"
Me: "Wait, dude... is this about the rocket-sled?"
Little man: "Yeah!"
Me: "Ok..."
Little man: "Well, you know how yike if you are trying to take off you are speeding up and speeding up and speeding up?"
Me: "Yeah.."
Little man: "Well actually if I had the air go up like that it would not work. It would not, because it would be like woOop-EIErrn! It would be like speed slow down so it would not take off."
Me: "Yeah, ok..."
Little man: "Well actually, you know how it yeally (thats my bro's way of saying 'really') would take off then? You know those guns on the bottom that can shoot people? Well actually, those would just all shoot at the same time yeally yeally hard and so it would get up into the air, then it would fly."
Me: "Good idea little man- now I want to go to bed. Its ten o-clock."
I agree with you... he must be a descendant of somebody smart... Cool ideas... he could get an award!
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