Monday, February 06, 2006

Big post coming... make a note to not visit soon

Big post coming... for half of you(the geek half), it will be more exciting then the superbowl . For the rest of you, sleep in or visit some other site. Its going to be unapologetically geeky.

In the meantime... My sister got the entire first season of the muppets show on DVD with some of her Christmas money. What a great show! The writing is so great on that program and it's genuinely laugh-out-loud funny. I wish they were still on the air.

This is the opening to one of the greatest shows ever concieved:

And here is a great big group shot:

Wish I could get some good screen caps from the show or even video clips. Maybe later.

Sax player muppet (to dancer with poofy scarf thing): Hey, whats long, hairy and has one eye and sharp teeth?
Dancer: Mmm... I don't know, what?
Sax player muppet: I dunno either, but your wearing it!
Scarf thing: HEY TOOTS! (Jumps off of dancer)

1 comment:

Anderz said...

That is a good show! I have some of the movies, if you want to borrow them lolz!