Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Topics topics everywhere, but not a drop to post?

So I didn't expect this happening...

Right now I have three really good things to blog about. I want to do them all justice, but alas, I am a lazy butt.

First of all let me apologize in advance to Anders and anyone else who is still part of the dial-up sufferage- there is alot of pictures here. Here is a tidbit of each of them, and because, as I have mentioned before, I am a lazy butt, this may be all you get. Dissapointed? Well then, beg for more.

Ok, foist of all.... I had aLLLOOT of fun fixing my friends computer...

Yeah... thats on MY computer.... The malware was amazingly agile. Mind you, I had TWO antivirus programs on the computer to stop them from even getting that far in the first place.
This story I suppose would be called "The computer from Hell" or "Galen's Bane" or maybe something like "#@#$%#&$ VIRUSES!" if it had a title. The story it amazing, even though I won in the end... albiet a bit battered, but I won none the less. I have to write this one up later, even if it is just for my own theriputic reasons...

Other good story is of my brothers creation:

This is Little Man's "Flying Rocket-sled-ship". Quite a mouthful, but it well deserves its title. This thing has it all- Shields, machine guns, lazers, redundant gas tanks (and gas tank bombs). My brother's brain has the most amazing blend of imagination and engineering. The best feature of this aircraft is probably its aerodynamic design- no, really. My brother explained to me all about the airflow and how it worked- I think he even taught me some things I didn't know about lift. I'll tell 'em to you later, if I get a chance, as well as give you an entire description of its features and which bricks do which.

Well its hard to top that, but this is something I'm kinda proud of:

My new case! (Thanks Mr. Deer!)

I got that thing wired up last night... though one of the Front usb ports I messed up on.

Oi, so ends my oversized post. If you guys want any more of these stories, either pay me one low monthly rate of $14.95 for the extra content plus a mug, or show me some love in the comments.


1 comment:

Silas said...

Hi. I watched one of your debates Friday and I saw your url on "it". (link to it by the way...

You have a really good team! When you came into the room I thought you were a judge! And that’s really intimidating... Keep up the good debating work!