Its time to ROC
Everyone! I can not believe I have been this slow in telling you all. I have a new blog that I am doing with a couple other friends. Its all about Random Obscure Culture- and ergo, is called I encourage all of you to check it out, look around and comment. Suggestions, criticism, rotten tomatoes- whatever you got. Oh, and be sure to read my proudest of stories: English Jack- a hermit who lived in the white mountains. Now you don't want to miss that, do you? So quick! Head on over!
Very light iron
Recall this pile of computer carcasses?

Because of the computer recycling project, I've been calling around a whole bunch of scrap metal buyers and checking rates. They weren't the best deal on anything but the fridge, but they were close, so I took the steel computer cases there. This grade of steel is called "light iron" for some reason. Perhaps its because you get so little for it. I turned those cases into $1.75. Yeesss!!!
One of the workers just told me I was "all set, you can go now." But I protested- I wanted my money. He must of thought I was daft, but dang it, that's the hardest buck seventy-five I've ever earned.
The scrap yard itself was really huge and impressive. I think everyone should see it- its that cool. Definitely my little bro will have to- he would go bonkers.
There are HUGE piles of metal everywhere, separated by large dirty gravelish roads. When you drop off stuff, you're actually right in the thick of huge dump trucks, little Bobcat vehicles scampering everywhere and huge, two story clawed juggernauts on wheels. I actually had to stop to let this giant CAT claw-mobil pass me. Another one was crunching up metal in the distance. Its so active, so abuzz with activity and alot of man power. It struck me as a kind of outside factory- metals in various states of sort and crush, people moving about, heavy machinery everywhere. Words don't do the fun it was justice.
Seemingly deep random thinkings:
Humans are so frail. We think we aren't, but our lives teeter on edges never seen until it is to late. Amazingly small things can trigger horrible events. People can ruin lives by a few ill planned words. No matter who you are, no matter what you've done, your life is delicate and can be de-railed. As sad as it is, it is profound:
"...All the tears we cry tell us were made the same... We build our different lives, but they all break the same." ---Mute Math
It is truth.
Incredible video
Okay, on to quite probably less deep thoughts. I've found out how to embed video and I have to show it off with this absolutely amazing animation for a song by a band called "The Real Tuesday Weld". No, serious.
The Real Tuesday Weld - Bathtime In Clerkenwell
*smacks self*
A buck seventy five then? Hmm. Impressive. I once made a dollar by staying still for an hour. :) The best dollar I ever made. I basically sat on a corner, smiling, not moving anything but my eyes. And I made a dollar. Yessiree. Anywho.
Verily good, but did it occur to you that The Real Tuesday Weld would have made an interesting MVOIO? (Music Video Of Interesting Origin)
Well?? Did you? :) lol. Okay, I'm done now. Good work man!
re: Seemingly deep random thinkings
You are very correct. Amazingly small things trigger horrible events. Our every choice matters, doesn't it? While people bring ruin to other's lives with just a few ill-chosen words, is it really the end? Do people's lives have to be permanently ruined? Life is delicate and can be de-railed, but can't we get back on track? Maybe, there will sometimes be a scar---a reminder of the pain, the suffering, the brokeness, the injury, the heartache---but I have to believe recovery is always an option for a person willing to surrender their circumstances into God's creative hands. I've witnessed so many times in my own life and the lives of others. Of course, I have the advantage of being a very, very old woman. Age aids perspective, I think.
Just a few of my own random thoughts... :)
P.S. Truly respect your commitment to seeing the whole scrap metal thing out to the end. The value of that is much more than a buck-75!
P.S.S. Very cool video and song. Birds with attitude.
hey dude. Sorry your business venture didn't quite become what you were hoping. You know Thomas Edison made a thousand light bulbs that didn't work before he found one that did. And you know what he said!! just kidding, I hate that story. Like anyone is encouraged by "hey, just 999 tries to go before you get it, so hang in there." "Uhm, do you know how long just this one took me?"
Welp, gotta go check my mac and cheese. Scuse me
so, i totally knew it was you and not the sister of zeke and/or took me a minute, but not a long minute.
i'm sorry your hefting and toting amounted to only one dollar seventy-five, BUT...1) awesome brother bonding, and 2) even awesomer field trip. woo!
and yes, gwyn likes mutemath. she saw them play verra briefly at soulfest not this year but the one previous to this one, and she also sometimes likes to go listen to their ep streaming for free on their website, which is a brilliant invention. however, she will likely be unable to accompany you to aforementioned concert due to the list of photographic equipment required FAR exceeding her current income. that is all.
oh, and jake likes macaroni and cheese. so he EATS IT!
Hey! YAY YOU! Haha! I'd be like YAAAY!! A BUCK SEVENTY FIVE! I'M RICH! Okay well kinda. ;P Yes...thats true...about deep thoughts..but everything works together for good for those who love God. (who am I to qoute??) Even though things seem really stinky when you're going through stuff, there's always that glimmer of hope. :) "Hey that was good-can I get a tape??" And I think I'm starting to like the video more. Haha..they're like...evil nazi birds or something. Haha, I'm kinda SLLLOOOOW sometimes. ;P Love you so much my big bro!! :)
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