Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A short scene from my life

So my mum brought the mail addressed to me down to my lab... I look through it- Credit Card offer, personal note and an army recruiting brochure.

Me: The army wants me, mum
Mum: Oh?
Me: Yup... and they say they'll give me this great gift- a messenger bag.
Mum: *laughs* For what? Signing up?
Me: No, dying.

At this point, my Mum stares at me with strange expression for an uncomfortable second or two.

Mum: Well... I could really use that messenger bag...


Super Kiaya said...

...Oh. My. Gosh. You...

For the love of...

What color would the messenger bag BE precisely?

*shakes head in shock... can't stop eyebrow from twitching...*

Anonymous said...

This post reminds me: I sure hope you are still WRITING, because I am still waiting to read the rest of that play. I loved this little scene above.

Army solicitations and credit cards---both are very dangerous.

By the way, I want a lab. That sounds very cool.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

[Comment edited for quality control purposes…. ;)]

Hey Monterey, this is Jen. I emailed a [an address!!], and I hoped it was you but I was not sure. Can you email me your real email if that is not it?
Love and missin ya, -jen

Aielunknown said...

That GREAT incentive to join the army!
Just remember...DON'T SIGN ANYTHING! Once you do...they will photocopy your signiture to what ever the Government wants...then you are their property....beware ;-)

Anonymous said...

your mom is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

you spelled lysol right.

Anonymous said...


If I get to know them a little more, I might be able to go >_>

Cuz the RK is next thursday, not Nov. 5th, like I thought.

give me info.

please ^_^

Anonymous said...

OK...I have memorized, blocked, directed, and presented your "short scene" at an advant garde theatre festival. It's time for a new scene/post/blog, Dude.

Anonymous said...

i thought you'd be happy to know...i bought one of those 250gig external harddrives. it came yesterday.
i'm not really quite sure WHY i think that you'd be happy to hear this...maybe because it's sort of a geekish type of thing to possess. and you're a geek. and now, apparently, i am too. anyway, it was supposed to be plug 'n' play, but it's plugged, and it's not playing, so i must away to troubleshoot.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, okay that's funny. Now update. ;P Haha. Sorry. I'm much worse..but you write interestingly so please...UPDATE? :)
God Bless and much love!

Anonymous said...


update, update, update...-continutes forever-

Super Kiaya said...

You haven't updated in AAAAGES. :(

Your life can't be THAT boring. So update. It doesn't have to be revolutionary. Really. Just, you know, let us know you're alive.

Please? :)

Anonymous said...

seriously. i think he may have died.