Here it is... only about three months overdue, too! By golly, I think I'm improving...
With out further ado ladies and gents:

Pictured here is a list of words generated from the middle initial of employees with birthdays on odd years appended to the breakfast selection of employees with even years, divided by pie. Cherry, if I'm not mistaken. This stack must be kept on hand for 2 months because of strange rules that no one understands anymore.
At least two sentences in the above parpagraph were true.

Here is the wall my mini-cube faces that look up at in my "mission control-ish" room. They are actually two computers with dual screens each. I can take control over either of them simply by moving my mouse up off of my screen and onto those ones, thanks to the cool synergy setup I installed. Everyone else can as well. We manage reading text because I turned on windows magnifier so there is a window on the left monitor that follows the cursor and magnifies whatever is around it. Yes, I am proud. Its bona fide PDG (Pretty darn good). Originally I thought I'd have to blur out the data on the screens, or at least on the board in the background, but lets hear it for bad camera skills! With him and mister poor-lighting-without-using-flash working together, its amazing what I can render unreadable.
Looking back from the doorway, here is my mini-cube as I like to call it. Note small tidbit of epic white board with important data censored behind me. Also note multiple beverage containers of undetermined brand.
Aha! Its a truck! Sorry, you can not marry Truck. It is mine- plus- wHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING? Its an automobile for crying out loud. What would the children look like? Think of them...
This is the amazing Cat in the hat Hat. Its from Kiaya. (Thank you once again!) It rocks my socks (but more directly, my phro).
Well ladies and gents, this has been fun, no? Maybe we should do it more oft.
(Yes, it is possible that I got carried away with the censoring of my images. Its alot of fun. You all should try it sometime. )
that was fun. you SHOULD do it more often. course, i can't really complain, because have i even taken my DC photos off my memory cards yet? nooooo.
Yaaaaaaay for pictures!
I'd like to take this time now to advertise that I might actually do Ducttape hats for other people if it's not gravity defying and they'll pay me.
< /end blatant advertising>
< begin apology for Zekiel>
< /end Zekiel apology.>
I love your truck. It's YELLOW.
Although, while I don't want to marry your truck, is it possible for it to somehow put a skid mark on a picture for me? Or can I just keep its picture on my desktop until I find a new truck to take the limelight in my heart of hearts?
Did I just write that?
Actually, I did have this jeep I saw on the side of the street on my desktop for the longest time.
I'm crazy. But I like the truck, what can I say? It reminds me of the truck my mom drove when I was tiny. It was navy blue though. But I remember it well.
It's like... they put you in your own little pot, and hope that you grow into a BIGGER pot, then they put you in your own greenhouse until POOF, you're ready for the full on nature experience!
< /end strange analogy.>
I'm sleepy.
Nice office setup...I'm jealous... I have a single...15? inch CRT that reached the end of its brightness scale sometime around the whole Berlin Wall thing...
Nice truck...again, I'm jealous... A car would be cool...even a weird green 1997 Ford Escort...
Nice hat, not my style, so I'm not *too jealous, but it actually works with you.
The photos and commentary are great. Thanks for posting them.
Having two monitors is the coolest thing! I had two enormous monitors at one design job and it took me a little while to get used to it, but once I did I was in heaven. Going home to my SE after a day's work wasn't easy. (An SE screen was...oh, 8 inches in diameter? LOL)
Glad you are better!
its been a long time.
I've been on Facebook mostly lately.
Yeah, but cool pixys. supa fly hat too.
I'm sore and tired so im gonna go now.
ahhhh hahhahahhaa. i didn't realize how much you censored stuff. it made me laugh. xD
clearly I've been missing out, because I just found this today... (1/25/07) but i will say... nice truck. i'm not a fan of trucks, usually, but yours is pretty hot... (no, aur0r4, you don't have to be jealous)
and the hat... I have seen it in person, and kiaya did an amazing job... felt on the inside and everything...
can my ducky be friends with your pirate ducky?
you should talk, you havnt updated any more than i have :-P
Vote for Kiaya!
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