Monday, January 15, 2007

I'm down with the sickness

Yesterday I got very very sick. Fever, sweating bullets and alternating chills, etc.

So far I feel a bit better this morning, but I am very very sore. I feel like all my muscles are 10 times more sensitive. As much as I need rest, it hurts to be on one bed for too long...

This isn't a "pity me" post (well....), but just to let you know that if if you can't get ahold of me, this is why.

Oue, my neck...


Anonymous said...

Oh man, that's terrible.
Which sickness would do that though? That sounds pretty bad. :(
And we all know it's mainly a pity post, but pity you I shall, because I expect to put one of my own pity posts up in February.
But seriously, that sounds terrible. :(
I hope you feel better soon.
Does this mean I should hold off on my Martin Luther King Jr. Musical email I was going to send you?

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I hope you're unsick and back to full Zekiel strength soon.

Jim said...

I've had that before... Its not fun.. I'll certainly keep you in prayer.

Anderz said...

You'd probably be a good test subject for muscle relaxents right about now. :-) Hope ya get better.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really bad flu. Get well soon, dude. You have our prayers---and pity.

Anonymous said...

that sounds horrible. i'm so sorry you're so sick!