These are rare find for me you see- My feet are so ridiculously wide that I generally have to speacial order them- haven't bought shoes in a store probably since I was 10 or so. But here these shoes were- just sitting on a rack in Goodwill, waiting for me to come and claim them in all of their awesomeness. There wicked tough, espeacially for something that is used. I think there sides are made of leather. I dunno, but if I had to hop a train I'd say that at least my footwear would look authentic.
Ok, on to other matters.
Today I have been simultaniously in awe and in disgust of humanity. I read all about how we irradicated disseases and I took in many works of art- great marks of our achivement. But then I have also seen depravity seemingly incarnated in people. Jerks- men with such obviously low ambitions and methods. People that litterally disgust me. *sigh*But we are all of the same stock.
Welcome to humanity. Welcome to sin and to cities that don't sleep. Welcome to the good neigbor and the sex offender. Welcome to a human nature- seemingly good intentions, yet wicked to the core. And its in us. Good times!
So I just re-wrote the above paragraph about 4 times because I suddenly had a whole bunch of poetic inspiration. I think perhaps next time I will post a poem worked out on that concept, but for now I must turn in... I have an audition to try out for tomarrow!
I think the "poetry paragraph was interesting... You should like write a song! I'll have the LAN date soon!
I don't know if you will ever find my comment to this post. I have no clue, really, how this stuff all works, yet. BUT, the fact that your last post reflects back to this post---and that some how I happened to find this---and that nobody else is reading and commenting on this post (Is that pride I see poking it's head up?) all works together to make me stay up a little later to just say that, first, the rhythm of paragraphs 4 and 5 were worth the rewrites. Rewriting is GOOD. Yeah, free writing has it's place, but it's a beautiful thing to make music with letters! (And, not everyone can do that.)
And, second, don't lower your expectations of humanity, please. PLEASE. Don't give us credit we don't deserve, but keep holding us to a standard. That is very important, Z. (Again, not something everyone is able to do.)
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
Hah, hey look I'm coming to you from the fuuuuture!
You see, a comment can't slip by me, because I have email notification. ;p
BUT- that being said, it was pretty darn hard to find what post it went to. Thank you for reading the archives, BTW, it makes me feel great.
Interestingly enough, you made a connection I hadn't even made consciously. That’s probably why it took me so long to find this post, because I had forgotten about it. Its interesting to see how certain ideas track back to long ago even if you don't realize it.
I tend to think that if I wasn't a Christian, I would be a capitalistic humanist- I am sometimes just in awe at what man has created and I generally am a pro-progress type of guy (Rain forests be darned). But perhaps the realization of the darker side serves as ballast for these notions. Humanity is flawed, but it is still noteworthy. So, thanks for your statement on humanity. I like it.
No email notifications for us posters, though!
But, I thought to check for a reply and something about your post made me think of January, so I was able to find it. (Thanks for responding!)
BTW: Love the movie "Frequency." We rewind that scene to watch Andre Brugher (sp?) say that line again and again. He's a great actor. Another very smart guy. Intelligence and acting ability really do go hand-in-hand. (Tangent, sorry. I was just writing about James Woods.)
It was kinda cool to go back and read some stuff from the early days. You are a natural blogger. Just writing what's on your heart and mind, whether people want to read it or not. Good for you! Never write to please.
By the way, I was going to comment on that song you quoted, urging people to think about the symbolism in the lyric, but thought I thought it might be going too far to post comments on two old posts. It feels like ressurecting the dead, you know? Anyway, I then found your interpretation and I was glad to know I got some of the symbolism right (I'm not a poetic person).
Oh, thank God for Christ! What kinda horrifying people would we all be without Him? I know I would be someone hateful, hated, and full of self-hatred. Ewww.
Anyway. Keep thinking. Keep writing---even if no one reads you.
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