Sunday, January 08, 2006

Repicheep's landing.

I have arrived. The water is sweet, and the colors brilliant.

Err... actually I am planning on making this my more general purpose, 'me' blog. I my loving my Voyage of the dawn treader theme though... we shall see.

If by chance you want weird, deep, mind-thinking-things, go to
That is where I am really deep/weird. Its sort of my poetry sort of stuff

Anyway... So. Welcome to my blog. I am really a mouse, and I am really going to cut you up with my really little rapier if you don't stop laughing! I'll TAKE YOU ALL ON!

Oh, and BTW Becca- I made this 'cause of your site. Your either, "Your welcome" or "I'm sorry". :)

At least now I can comment...

Looking forward to a great blogger experience,

---Repizeke (Haha!)

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