Monday, January 08, 2007

Zeke burns gas like its 1927

I love my truck.

Today, I was afraid I might be a bit late for work. I couldn't afford any slow downs, and I decided that saving my gas by driving conservatively wasn't worth being late. I took off a few mental limitations to my acceleration and handling routines. And I thoroughly enjoyed it.

For example: Coming up to the light on 111, I saw it go to red. "Shoot..." I thought to myself. I suddenly remembered that mapuest once took me up the little road to my left by accident and spit me back out on the road 111 just a few hundred feet further. I quickly checked checked out the traffic surrounding me, then decided to go for it. I powered into the turn at a comfortable 20mph. I could have pushed it further with , but no reason too... plus it was over a 90 degree turn. I raced down the little strip of road to the part where I could turn right again and eventually hook back up to 111. The road was still wet from the rain, and there was sand on the turn as well. I slowed down a little and made the turn. The truck slid around the corner like it was covered in snow. I was a bit surprised but simply steered to correct and kept the gas where it needed to be. I straightened out and didn't even slow down that much at all. I connected to 111 and got there ahead of the light. Then I laughed like an evil genius.

"Dude!" I thought to myself, "I just totally power slid around that corner and didn't even flinch!! I'm awesome!" Then I thought to myself that I wished someone else was in the driver seat besides my lunch of pizza and cheezy homeade ravilo. They're nice, but I can't give them a high five and say "DUuuuDE!" with them in unison.

So I figured I'd post it instead. Cause it was awesome and, it wasn't illegal, I'm pretty sure. Honest.


Anonymous said...

Look who's first AGAIN! Man, am I on my game, or what?!

Anonymous said...

What the heck is "cheezy homeade ravilo"? I don't even know how to pronounce it.

I am crazy-mad for alternate routes and love them more than words can say, so here is a virtual Hi-5. And, assertive drivers who get places on time and without tickets also deserve a Hi-5. AND, the fact no one had to beg for an update? DUuuuDE!

Anonymous said...

You have to post while I'm out of the house. Just so that I can't comment till everyone else has. :-P

It is in fact a cool truck.
Wow, everyone's blogging about cars today, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

What happpened in 1927...?

Anonymous said...

i think you meant the passenger seat, and i think you meant cheesy homemade ravioli. yes?

i am so good. you should bring me around to be your interpreter.

and lastly, i will totally give you a virtual "DUuuuDE!" and high-5. (uh, consider these them.)

Anonymous said...

You have been tagged!

Anonymous said...


TallThumbelina said...

YAY! No beggin needed! You rock-I love your driving. :P
Much love,
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

You didn't hear it from me... but Sunday? Maaaaaaybe...
Beach trip?


It's not real yet.

Anonymous said...


and that's pretty cool about your truck... I would have given you a high five if I was there...

Anonymous said...




Anderz said...

Nice... lol. Sounds like me and Ben Allard in my driveway, doing 360s.